Alina Vamanu -- Questions for Justin

The audio essay sounds wonderfully creative, and I would love to see some of the student essays created for this class. A couple of questions come to mind. How do we make sure all students are sufficiently tech savvy to complete these assignments? Current debates around the so-called "digital divide" suggest that not all societal groups have equal access to communication technologies and the internet. Have you encountered such challenges in your classroom? If so, how did you address them?

I was also wondering how we might want to handle various ethical issues raised by multimodal assignments. For instance, how do we ensure interviewee anonymity? The interviewees' voices (coupled with the personal stories they choose to tell) may be recognizable. Of course, this would be more of a concern with video essays, but audio podcasts may raise challenges in this regard as well.

These innovative projects are fascinating, and I look forward to our conversation tomorrow!


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