Blog Post #3 (Ian)
The part of "Crossing Cultures with International ESL Writers" that resonated most with me was the sub-section "Crossing Rhetorics: Discussing Discourses and Styles." Though I think most writing center tutors are aware that cultural differences will invariably inform efforts to assist international students, I also know - at least in my case - that it still took me some time to realize the extent to which I was actually teaching the culture of "American academic writing" vs. some set of universally applicable "writing skills." The reading, for example, notes that some international students have the tendency to write "inductively because of cultural values... [placing] their main idea in the last rather than the first paragraph of the paper." While this is no doubt true, I think it's worth acknowledging that taking the opposite approach and writing deductively (The thesis! The thesis! Where is the thesis!?) is no less of a cultural...